A Vision of the Sea
Between 26 July and 13 August I was at my house in Deal, working on my
orchestral piece for next year's BBC Proms, which is provisionally titled
A Vision of the Sea. From before dawn until dusk I was surrounded by the
constant calls of Herring Gulls, and they have got into the piece; in fact
have been transformed into one of its main motivic ideas. At the same
time, almost every day I made watercolour paintings of the sea and the sky,
the majority in the early morning, which I felt helped me to compose. The
weather during this time was a mixture of sunshine and cloud, and some of
the skies were spectacular. Here is the sequence of nineteen paintings.
26 July, 9:15pm
27 July, 7:45am
8 August, 8:15am
9 August, 6:30pm
11 August, 7:30am
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